Lichong Hui Ethnic Township in Fengtai County, Huainan

Location and Area

Lichong Hui Ethnic Township (李冲回族乡) is located in the southern part of Fengtai County (凤台县), Huainan City (淮南市), Anhui Province (安徽省). It borders Shiwang Town (山王镇) in Bagongshan District (八公山区) to the east, Shu County (寿县) in Huainan City to the south, and faces the Fengtai County seat across the Huai River (淮河) to the west and north. The township is approximately 3 kilometers from the county seat and covers an area of 22.50 square kilometers.


As of the end of 2019, Lichong Hui Ethnic Township had a registered population of 18,750 people.


In March 1983, Lichong Hui Ethnic Township was established by merging six villages: Weiying (魏郢), Minzu (民族), and Huaiyin (淮磷) from Dashan Township (大山乡), Lichong (李冲) and Maochong (毛冲) from the state-run Henan Forest Farm (国营河南林场), and Shiwang (石湾) from Maoji Township (毛集乡).

Administrative Divisions

By the end of 2019, Lichong Hui Ethnic Township administered six villages: Weiying, Minzu, Shiwang, Huaiyin, Lichong, and Maochong. The township government is based in Minzu Village.

Geography and Environment


Lichong Hui Ethnic Township is situated in the southern part of Fengtai County. It is bordered by Bagongshan District to the east, Shu County to the south, and faces Fengtai County across the Huai River to the west and north. It is located 3 kilometers from the county seat.


The township is predominantly hilly with sloping and bay areas. The terrain is slightly higher in the west and lower in the east, with the highest point being “Laoshan” at an elevation of 137 meters and the lowest point at 35 meters.


Lichong Hui Ethnic Township has a subtropical monsoon climate characterized by warm winters and hot summers. It has distinct seasons with abundant rainfall, mainly in the summer. The average annual temperature is 15.1°C, with January averaging above 0°C and July around 25°C. The frost-free period averages 216 days per year. Annual precipitation is about 950 mm, with the majority falling in the summer and minimal rainfall in the winter.


The waterways in Lichong Hui Ethnic Township belong to the Huai River Basin. The Zhunhe River (准河) meanders through the area in an “S” shape, with a total length of 6.5 kilometers.

Natural Disasters

Common natural disasters in the area include droughts, floods, strong winds, and lightning. Flooding occurs on average once every three years, primarily between June and September, affecting all six administrative villages with an affected area of up to 800 hectares.

Natural Resources

The township has identified coal reserves with a geological reserve of 2.2 million tons. The Jincheng Coal Mine (金诚煤矿) in Zhunhu Village (准磷村) has developed 0.3 square kilometers of mining area with geological reserves of 1.25 million tons and an extractable amount of 520,000 tons, with an annual production of 60,000 tons. Other resources include limestone, loess, and purple clay shale with reserves of 80 million tons, 50 million cubic meters, and 20 million tons, respectively.

Population Distribution

By the end of 2011, Lichong Hui Ethnic Township had a total population of 17,696 people, with 634 people residing in urban areas, giving a urbanization rate of 3.6%. There were also 5,213 transient residents. The population consisted of 9,389 males (53.1%) and 8,307 females (46.9%). The age distribution included 2,973 people under 14 years (16.8%), 13,203 people between 15 and 64 years (74.6%), and 1,520 people aged 65 and above (8.6%). The population was predominantly Han Chinese, totaling 10,626 people (60%), with 7,070 individuals (40%) belonging to ethnic minorities, including Hui (回族) (7,060 people, making up 99.9% of the minority population).


Lichong Hui Ethnic Township is connected by Provincial Highway 102 (省道102), which runs through the entire area, linking it to Fengtai County and Shu County in Liu’an City. The township has a network of paved roads connecting all villages, with a total length of 28.56 kilometers.

How to Get There

  • By Train: The nearest major train station is in Huainan City. From there, you can take a taxi or local bus to Fengtai County and then travel by local transportation to Lichong.
  • By Car: Drive to Fengtai County and follow Provincial Highway 102 to reach Lichong. The journey from Huainan City to Lichong takes approximately 45 minutes by car.
  • By Bus: Buses from Huainan City to Fengtai County are available. From Fengtai, local buses or taxis can take you to Lichong Hui Ethnic Township.

Cultural and Historical Sites

Mingdao Cave Scenic Area (茅仙洞风景区)

Located 3 kilometers south of Fengtai City, Mingdao Cave Scenic Area is known for its beautiful natural surroundings. The area is surrounded by water on three sides with the Huai River meandering through. The scenic spots include Mingdao Ancient Cave (茅仙古洞), Guoshou Tang Temple (古寿唐观), Huai River’s First Dam (淮河第一硖), Guo Xiang Mountain Temple (古香山寺), and the Linggui Listening to Zen (灵龟听禅). The area has been a significant site for both Buddhism and Taoism throughout history.

Shoutang Pass (寿唐关)

Shoutang Pass is a crucial transportation route between Fengtai and Shouchun. It is located between the East and West Loushan Mountains (东、西楼山) and was historically significant for its strategic location. The pass is made of blue bricks and has an arch-shaped gateway that accommodated both vehicle and horse traffic. The pass is also known as the “Make-up Table” (梳妆台), commemorating the Song Dynasty heroine Liu Jinding (刘金定), who fought off the Southern Tang forces here. The pass’s dramatic setting and historical significance make it a fascinating destination for visitors.