Yushu Travel Tips

Useful Numbers

  • Police: 110
  • Fire: 119
  • Ambulance: 120
  • Traffic accident alarm: 122
  • Yushu Tourism Bureau: 0976-8822521
  • Area Code: 0976
  • Weather Forecast: 12121
  • Check Telephone Number: 114
  • Expressway Emergency Rescue: 12122
  • Consumer Complaints Hotline: 12315

Post Offices

  • Zip Code: 815000
  • Jiegu Street Post Office (结古大道邮政支局): No.8, Gesaduran Alley, Yushu City (玉树市格萨都然巷8号)
  • Qionglong Road Post Office (琼龙路邮政支局): No.70, Wangbutong Alley, Qionglong Road, Yushu City (玉树市琼龙路旺布通巷70号)
  • Zhaxi Road Post Office (扎西路邮政支局): No. 9, Zhaxi Road, Chengwen Town, Chindu County(称多县称文镇扎西路9号)

Taboos and Tips

Many places in Qinghai are inhabited by Muslims. Please be careful not to bring non-beef and mutton food to eat in any halal restaurant. Don't drink alcohol and try not to waste food. Muslims abstain from the meat of pigs, dogs, donkeys, mules and birds of prey.

Non-Muslims are not generally welcome to visit the mosque during the worship time, but the Muslim worship is really worth seeing. You should ask for permission before you visit and take photos. A better way is to find a Muslim to take you there, and then he arranges for you to watch. Women are not allowed in the chapel. When staying in a Muslim home, do not enter the kitchen or the room of the host, especially the hostess without permission. In Muslim families, food should follow halal standards.

It is recommended that travelers entering the plateau area for the first time take some measures to prevent altitude stress. Take rhodiola properly or drink plenty of water. Do not walk or run rapidly when you first arrive at the plateau. Avoid overeating and drinking. The celestial burial in Tibetan areas is not welcome to watch, and taking photos will cause great trouble, so you must get permission from the family before watching, but try not to take photos. In some areas with inconvenient transportation, there are few buses. You can consider getting a ride. When getting a ride, sometimes cigarettes are more effective than money. Look for reliable vehicles such as military and postal vehicles.