Erlian – Ulaanbaatar Trains

Erlian to Ulaanbaatar trains are in service now. Vice versa, 4 Ulaanbaatar to Erlian trains serve passengers. They are running between Erlian Railway Station and Ulaanbaatar Railway Station, with the travel time of about 13.5-14.5 hours. A hard sleeper on the Ulaanbaatar to Erlian train costs CNY 388/ USD 55.

  1. Erlian to Ulaanbaatar Trains:
    • Train No. K3: Departs from Erlian Railway Station at 7:27 am and arrives at Ulaanbaatar Railway Station at approximately 8:18 pm.
    • Train No. K23: Also departs from Erlian Railway Station and reaches Ulaanbaatar Railway Station with a similar travel time of about 13.5-14.5 hours.
    • A hard sleeper ticket on the Ulaanbaatar to Erlian train costs CNY 388 (approximately USD 55).
  2. Ulaanbaatar to Erlian Trains:
    • Train No. K4: Leaves Ulaanbaatar on Thursdays and Fridays.
    • Train No. K24: Also departs from Ulaanbaatar and arrives in Erlian with a similar travel time.
    • These trains run between Ulaanbaatar Railway Station and Erlian Railway Station.