5 Days Pakistan-China-Xinjiang-Kyrgyzstan Motorbike Tour from Konjerab to Irkeshtam

The 5-day Pakistan-China-Xinjiang-Kyrgyzstan motorbike tour from Khunjerab to Irkeshtam is a thrilling adventure that spans four distinct regions, each offering its own unique landscapes and cultural experiences. This high-altitude journey traverses from Pakistan’s mountainous terrain into the rugged beauty of China’s Xinjiang region and finally into Kyrgyzstan’s vast steppes. The tour is renowned for its dramatic scenery, diverse cultures, and challenging yet rewarding riding experiences.

Trip Highlights

  1. Khunjerab Pass (Pakistan-China Border):
    • Highest Border Crossing: Start your journey at the Khunjerab Pass, the highest paved international border crossing in the world. The pass provides stunning views of the Karakoram Range and is a dramatic entry point into China.
  2. Taxkorgan (China):
    • Remote Frontier Town: Explore Taxkorgan, known for its Tajik culture and rugged mountain landscape. The town offers a glimpse into the traditional lifestyle of the Tajik people and serves as a base for exploring the surrounding area.
  3. Karakul Lake (China):
    • High-Altitude Beauty: Visit Karakul Lake, a serene high-altitude lake surrounded by snow-capped peaks. The lake’s still waters reflect the majestic Pamir Mountains, creating a picturesque setting ideal for photography and relaxation.
  4. Kashgar (China):
    • Historic Silk Road City: Arrive in Kashgar, a historically significant Silk Road city with a vibrant market, ancient architecture, and rich cultural heritage. Key highlights include the Id Kah Mosque and the bustling Sunday Market.
  5. Irkeshtam (Kyrgyzstan):
    • Border Crossing: Conclude your journey at the Irkeshtam Border, marking the end of your tour. The crossing offers spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and serves as the gateway to Kyrgyzstan’s diverse landscapes.

General Information

  • Diverse Landscapes: Experience a range of landscapes from the high mountain passes and rugged terrain of the Karakoram to the tranquil beauty of Karakul Lake and the steppes of Kyrgyzstan.
  • Cultural Encounters: Immerse yourself in the distinct cultures of the regions you traverse, from Pakistani mountain communities to the Uyghur and Tajik cultures in Xinjiang and Kyrgyz traditions.

Tour Destinations:
(Pakistan) – Khunjerab – Taxkorgan – Karakuli Lake – Kashgar – Irkeshtam – (Kyrgyzstan)

  • Entrance Customs into China: Khunjerab
  • Exit Customs from China: Irkeshtam
  • Enter China from (Land Name): Pakistan
  • Leave China to (Land Name): Kyrgyzstan


  • Drive along the Karakoram Highway from Pakistan via Xinjiang to Kyrgyzstan
  • Stone City Ruins in Taxkorgan
  • Karakuli Lake at the foot of Mountain Mustagh-Ata
  • Oasis city of Kashgar


Day 1: Enter China, Khunjerab Pass to Taxkorgan

  • Distance: 130km
  • Duration: Approx. 2.5 hours
  • Description:
    • Arrive at Khunjerab Pass.
    • Complete customs formalities.
    • Ride from Khunjerab Pass to Taxkorgan.
    • Accommodation: 1 night at 2* Beileixin Hotel

Day 2: Taxkorgan (Stone City Ruins) – Karakuli Lake – Kashgar

  • Distance: Approx. 280km
  • Description:
    • Visit the Stone City Ruins in Taxkorgan.
    • Proceed to Karakuli Lake, situated at the foot of Mountain Mustagh-Ata.
    • Continue to Kashgar.
    • Accommodation: 3 nights at 4* Barony Hotel

Day 3: Kashgar

  • Description:
    • Motorbike check and obtain the temporary license plate and driving license.
    • Accommodation: 2nd night at 4* Barony Hotel

Day 4: Kashgar City Sightseeing

  • Distance: 70km
  • Description:
    • Explore Kashgar, including:
      • The bazaar where many Uygurs do business.
      • The old city area of Kashgar.
      • Id Kah Mosque.
      • The Tomb of Abakh Hoja.
    • Accommodation: 3rd night at 4* Barony Hotel

Day 5: Kashgar – Irkeshtam

  • Distance: 234km
  • Duration: Approx. 3 hours 30 minutes
  • Description:
    • Depart from Kashgar in the morning.
    • Ride to the border at Irkeshtam.
    • Cross the border and exit China.
    • Note: Service ends at the border.