Roads in China

Roads in China may refer to Expressways of China, China National Highways, International Roads to China, as well as other streets and roads in China. By the end of 2018, the total length of China’s expressway network reached 142,500 kilometers, the world’s largest expressway system by length, having surpassed the overall length of the American Interstate Highway System in 2011. Many of the major expressways parallel routes of the older China National Highways.

1. Expressways of China

The first modern at-grade China National Highways is the Shanghai–Jiading Expressway, opened in October 1988. The early 1990s saw the start of the country’s massive plan to upgrade its network of roads. The 7918 network, a grid of 7 radial expressways from Beijing, 9 north-south expressways, and 18 east-west expressways forms the backbone of the national expressway system. The 7918 network would be renamed the 71118 network when the number of north-south expressways were increased from 9 to 11. The names of the individual expressways are regularly composed of two characters representing start and end of expressway.

Speed Limits

The Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China stipulates the speed limit of 120 km/h (75 mph), effective since May 1, 2004. A minimum speed limit of 70 km/h is in force. On overtaking lanes, however, this could be as high as 100 km/h to 110 km/h. Penalties for driving both below and in excess of the prescribed speed limits are enforced. Some expressways have a lower design speed of 80 kilometres per hour (50 mph).


China has an extensive tollway system, which composed of nearly all expressways as well as having around 70% of the world’s tollways. Tolls are roughly around CNY 0.5 per kilometre, and minimum rates (e.g. CNY 5) usually apply regardless of distance. 

Read more about Expressways of China.

2. China National Highways

With the completion in 2008 of the five north-south and the seven east-west national arterial highways, totaling 35,000 km (22,000 mi), Beijing and Shanghai were linked by major highways, chiefly expressways, to the capitals of all provinces and autonomous regions of China, creating highway connections between over 200 cities. In 2013 the Ministry of Transport announced the “National Highway Network Planning (2013 – 2030)”, which will bring the total number of highways to 119, with 81 connecting highways between them. The total mileage will be increased to 265,000 km (165,000 mi), with increased focus on the western and less developed regions. As of 2018, China has 72 national highways. Nationwide highways often begin with the letter G, followed by three numerals. 


Five vertical and seven horizontal main routes were labelled in the former 000 series; highways in the 100 series (e.g. 102, 106) begin from Beijing(12 in total); highways in the 200 series stretch from north to south(27 in total); highways in the 300 series stretch from east to west(33 in total); highways in the 500 series are connecting roads between other national highways.

Major National Highways

G101: Beijing-Shenyang G102: Beijing-Harbin G103: Beijing-Tanggu G104: Beijing-Fuzhou
G105: Beijing-Zhuhai G106: Beijing-Guangzhou G107: Beijing-Shenzhen G108:Beijing-Kunming
G109:Beijing-Lhasa G110: Beijing-Yinchuan G111: Beijing-Jiagedaqi G204:Yantai-Shanghai
G206:Yantai-Shantou G209:Hohhot-Beihai G210: Baotou-Nanning G211: Yinchuan-Xian
G212: Lanzhou-Chongqing G213: Lanzhou-Jinghong G214: Xining-Mohan G227: Xining-Zhangye
G308: Qingdao-Shijiazhuang G315: Xining-Kashgar G316: Fuzhou-Lanzhou G317: Chengdu-Naqu
G318: Shanghai-Zhangmu G319: Xiamen-Chengdu G320: Shanghai-Ruili G321: Guangzhou-Chengdu
G324: Fuzhou-Kunming G325: Guangzhou-Nanning G328: Nanjing-Nantong G020: Beijing-Fuzhou
G025: Dandong-Lhasa G030: Beijing-Zhuhai G035: Qingdao-Yinchuan G050: Chongqing-Zhanjiang
G055: Shanghai-Chengdu G065: Shanghai-Ruili    

Read more about China National Highways.

3. International Roads to China

National Road 213 

From Yibin of Sichuan to Yunnan, cross Zhaotong, Kunming, Yuxi and Simao to Xishuangbanna, it covering 1,581 km. Now this road has been built to Simao and will soon to Jinghong. It will pass Laos and finally get to Bangkok of Thailand, which will become a more convenient passage to ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations).

National Road 320

 National Road 320 cross Yunnan from the east to the west, via Qujing, Kunming, Chuxiong, Dali, Baoshan, Luxi to Ruili on the China-Myanmar border, covering 1,030 km.

Burma Road

It was a highway extending about 1,100 kilometres (680 mi) through mountainous terrain from Lashio, northeast Burma northeastward to Kunming, China. The Burma Road’s importance diminished after World War II, but it has remained a link in a 3,400-km road system from Yangon, Burma, to Chongqing.

Kunming–Bangkok Expressway

It is an international expressway running from Kunming, Yunnan province, People’s Republic of China, to Bangkok, Thailand via Laos It was opened in 2008.

G8011 Kaihe Expressway

It stretches from Kaiyuan to Hekou on the Vietnamese border.

Chinese-Nepalese Highway

It stretches 900 kilometers from Kathmandu in Nepal, then passing through Zhamgu Nyalam, Tingri, Shigatse, and finally getting to Lhasa in Tibet. It is about 150 km in Nepal and 750 km in Tibet. There are about 170 unsurfaced road to Tibet.

Karakoram Highway

The Karakoram Highway is a 1,300-kilometre national highway which extends from Hasan Abdal in the Punjab province of Pakistan to the Khunjerab Pass in Gilgit-Baltistan, where it crosses into China and becomes China National Highway 314.

Read more about International Roads to China.

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G60 Shanghai–Kunming Expressway

G60 Shanghai–Kunming Expressway

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G78 Shantou–Kunming Expressway

G78 Shantou–Kunming Expressway

G78 Shantou–Kunming Expressway...

Expressways of China    Veiw
Tianhou (Tianbao-Houqiao) Expressway

Tianhou (Tianbao-Houqiao) Expressway

Tianhou (Tianbao-Houqiao) Expressway 天猴高速公路(天保——猴桥)是中国2013年印发的《国家公路网规划(2013-2030年)》中的天保口岸至猴桥口岸高速公路的简称,编号为 G5615 ,是G56杭瑞高速公路 的一条联络线。 根据《国家公路网规划(2013-2030年)》中中国国家高速公路网路线方案表,天猴高速公路路线主要控制点为:天保(口岸)、文山、蒙自、石屏、红龙厂、镇沅、临沧、云县、保山、腾冲、猴桥(口岸)。 中文名 天猴高速公路 国家高速编号 G5615 起点位于 云南省天保口岸 终点位于 云南省猴桥口岸 途径省份地区 天猴高速公路全部位于云南省境内,呈东西走向,是云南省南部沿边快速通道,对加快边境地区发展、保持边境安宁具有重要意义。途经文山州、红河州、玉溪市、普洱市、临沧市、保山市,是云南省南部沿边快速通道。 线路分段简介 全线由文天高速公路、蒙文砚高速公路文山至蒙自段、鸡石高速公路、石红高速公路、元江县红龙厂至墨江县碧溪段(此段与G8511昆磨高速公路共线)、玉临高速公路、大临高速公路云县至临沧段、云保高速公路云县至风庆段、昌保高速公路、保龙高速公路保山南枢纽至龙陵镇小田坝枢纽段(属G56正线)、保腾高速公路、腾猴高速公路组成,主线全长1075.5公里(含共线段139.5公里)。 1、文天高速公路,该项目是G56杭州至瑞丽高速公路天保至猴桥联络线(G5615)的起始路段,是云南通往越南的重要通道。路线走向由东南向西北,起于麻栗坡县天保镇西侧干田村,经麻栗坡、兴街、莲花塘、追栗街、古木,止点接蒙文砚高速公路文山西立交,全长119.087公里(含天保连接线6.684公里)。全线按双向四车道高速公路标准建设,设计速度80km/h,路基宽度为25.5m,汽车设计荷载为公路-Ⅰ级。项目估算总投资182.6亿元,平均每公里造价1.5335亿元。   2、蒙文砚高速公路文山至蒙自段(砚山县至文山为G8013砚文高速公路),   起于文山天生桥附近的文山西立交互通,向西经马塘、薄竹、蒙自的老寨街、鸣鹫、芷村,在新安所南与G8011开河高速互通转换后,再经个旧市大屯,止于鸡石高速公路和蒙自绕城高速交汇处的蚂蟥塘,全长101.3公里。主线按全立交、全封闭四车道高速公路标准建设,设计速度80公里/小时,路基宽度24.5米。全线设置了蒙自枢纽、芷村、鸣鹫、老寨、老廻龙枢纽、新开田、文山西、等7处互通式立体交叉;设置杨柳、文山2处服务区,杨柳、薄竹2处停车区。 项目于2014年7月开工建设,2017年11月15日上午10时起通车运营。   3、鸡石高速公路,起于蒙自蚂蟥塘,经个旧市鸡街镇、倘甸、建水县燕子洞、面甸、县城、西庄、石屏县坝西 、异龙镇,全长98.53公里,为双向四车道高速公路,2004年11月26日建成通车。 4、石红高速公路,起于石屏县城城南,接已建成通车的鸡石高速公路,止于玉溪市元江县红龙厂,接已建成通车的G8511昆磨高速公路玉(溪)元(江)段。线路全长54.8公里,按双向四车道高速公路标准建设,路基宽23米,设计速度60公里/小时,总投资约53.05亿元,有4公里以上的特大桥4座,桥隧比为40%。2015年12月31日正式通车。   5、元江县红龙厂至墨江县碧溪段,与G8511共线段,全长65.4公里,红龙厂至二塘桥为玉元高速公路段,于2000年10月29日建成通车,二塘桥至碧溪为元磨高速公路段,2003年12月28日建成通车。 6、玉临高速公路,路线起点K0+000位于墨江县碧溪,接G8511元磨高速公路K246+000,经孟弄、独谷、者东、大中山、镇沅、者后、文新、无量山、勐大(英德)、振太、长安阱、澜沧江、邦东、平掌、那杏、止于临沧市临翔区(忙畔),全长246.722公里,其中:玉溪市新平县境内11.4公里;普洱市墨江县境内40.1公里,镇沅县境内119.81公里,景东县境内24.025公里;临沧市临翔区境内51.387公里。  ...

Expressways of China    Veiw
Jingjintang Expressway

Jingjintang Expressway

Jingjintang Expressway...

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Jingping Expressway

Jingping Expressway

Jingping Expressway...

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Jinji Expressway

Jinji Expressway

Jinji Expressway...

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Kaima Expressway

Kaima Expressway

Kaima Expressway...

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