Zhengxiangbaiqi Railway Station (Zhengxiangbai Banner, Xilingol League)

Zhengxiangbaiqi Railway Station (Zhengxiangbai Banner, Xilingol League) introduces the location, railway, profile, train travel maps, travel tips, train travel guide, normal trains and high speed trains schedule, train tickets booking, transportation, layout, facilities and service, travel guide of Zhengxiangbaiqi Railway Station .

Station: Zhengxiangbaiqi Railway Station
Station(CN): 正镶白旗火车站
Address: Chaogewendu’er Development Area, Ming’antu Town, Plain and Bordered White Banner, Xilin Gol League, Inner Mongolia
Address(CN): 内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟正镶白旗明安图镇朝格温都尔开发区