Ganqika Railway Station (Horqin Left Back Banner, Tongliao)

Ganqika Railway Station (Horqin Left Back Banner, Tongliao) introduces the location, railway, profile, train travel maps, travel tips, train travel guide, normal trains and high speed trains schedule, train tickets booking, transportation, layout, facilities and service, travel guide of Ganqika Railway Station (Horqin Left Back Banner, Tongliao).

Station: Ganqika Railway Station
Station(CN): 甘旗卡火车站
Address: Malaqin Street, Tiexi Road, Ganqiqia Town, Horqin Left Rear Banner, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia
Address(CN): 内蒙古自治区通辽市科尔沁左翼后旗甘旗卡镇铁西路妈拉沁街